Wednesday, 2 March 2011


I've been looking for an excuse to explain my three-month absence from nomorepenguins.

Possible explanations include:

  • gnomish abduction
  • too much work
  • illness
  • lack of internet access
  • lack of inspiration
The REAL answer? None of the above.
It just wasn't the season for aubergines.

Also, I had a rather evil work project to finish, Ze Husband got a new job, we moved house, acquired a piano (about which, more later) and met a lizard named Humphrey. Lots of Good Things have been happening generally (we've been incredibly blessed these last few months, everything came together all of a sudden) and I've been a bit distracted, what with tidying our new cupboard and all.

So, there you have it. No excuses, still no penguins, and I plan on restarting the regular posting as of now. If not, I give you permission to send gnomish mercenaries to poke me with sharp sticks.

Catherijn, posting from the New and Improved Cupboard.