Saturday, 13 August 2011

A la recherche de choses perdues


I have lots and lots of things I want to post on here at the moment - various recipes and projects and oh, loads of stuff.
The problem? All of these posts would be far better with pictures, and we've lost the charger for the camera battery.

Usually, I'm quite good at finding stuff. Ze Husband misplaces things fairly regularly- I think his keys/cheque book/paperwork/phone etc. are ganging up on him. Seriously. He'll spend ages looking for something, it will hide from him, then as soon as I start looking it jumps up and down going "I'm here! I'm here! Pick me!". (Well, not literally, although that might be useful...)

In this particular case, however, the camera charger is hiding from me, too... I suspect it may have gone on holiday, like the rest of the French population does for the whole of August.

Monday, 8 August 2011


Today, I went for blood tests.

This is not something particularly unusual at the moment - having failed to contract toxoplasmosis at any point in my life (clearly I didn't eat enough raw meat...or something) I have to be checked every month. In France, they don't take samples at the doctor's and you have to go to the lab, but so far, nothing too complicated.

This morning, in addition to my usual tests, I had to get a blood group card made. My UK one isn't considered valid, clearly. Enter French medical bureaucracy...

For a blood group card request to be valid, two samples have to be taken, from two different points, by two different nurses, on the same day. Clearly, if just one nurse stuck needles in my arm, I might be able to bribe her to say I had a different blood type, since, you know, there are vast advantages to be had from being rhesus positive. Or something. Add to that the fact that all the veins in my left arm have gone into hiding (I think they're sick of the needles), and all in all, I had a rather fun morning.

If only getting hold of a Carte Vitale was so simple.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Actually, yes, the penguins can be useful

When I said "no more penguins", I meant no more NEW penguins. Having a few around the place can prove useful in life.


As some of you may know (and some of you certainly don't, given I've not been around much recently, and any Facebook updates on the matter have been decidedly cryptic), I'm six months pregnant. As anyone who's already been there knows, this poses certain logistical problems in terms of sleeping arrangements.

Lying on stomach: out, clearly.

Lying on back: out, not only does this put too much weight on internal organs, it also causes backache, cuts off blood supply to legs and provokes "snorfling" (special word invented by Ze Husband, meaning "snoring in a manner disproportionate to one's size").

Lying on side: Yes, but requires wedging with cushions...or... STUFFED PENGUINS.

It's amazing. They're exactly the right shape. Seriously.

Hmmm. Nap time, methinks.