Tuesday 1 December 2009

Yes, I judge people who buy wine in plastic bottles

I am currently, against my better judgement but for my better tax credit rating (the gnomes betrayed me to the French authorities, darn and blast them) working as a supermarket cashier. From time to time, mainly for my own amusement (I like to think it's a form of sociological study in an attempt to justify five years of university education, but let's face it, I may be somewhat deluded) I try to imagine what kind of person would buy the items passing, with a rather satisfying BEEP, beneath my nose. (Incidentally, the cash register only speaks in capitals, so it goes BEEP, and not beep- rather like Death in the Discworld books). Marscapone? Middle-class female, married, dinner party. Three bags of cat litter and a tin of tuna? That one speaks for itself. Raclette and potatoes? Possibly winter sports types. Wine in a plastic bottle?

Oh dear.


I suspect the gnomes may be behind this one two. It's their kind of game.

'one two'? well, from someone who gave 'cinquante-dix centimes' in change this afternoon, what can you expect? Hmmm. Back to the cupboard methinks.

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