Friday 5 August 2011

Actually, yes, the penguins can be useful

When I said "no more penguins", I meant no more NEW penguins. Having a few around the place can prove useful in life.


As some of you may know (and some of you certainly don't, given I've not been around much recently, and any Facebook updates on the matter have been decidedly cryptic), I'm six months pregnant. As anyone who's already been there knows, this poses certain logistical problems in terms of sleeping arrangements.

Lying on stomach: out, clearly.

Lying on back: out, not only does this put too much weight on internal organs, it also causes backache, cuts off blood supply to legs and provokes "snorfling" (special word invented by Ze Husband, meaning "snoring in a manner disproportionate to one's size").

Lying on side: Yes, but requires wedging with cushions...or... STUFFED PENGUINS.

It's amazing. They're exactly the right shape. Seriously.

Hmmm. Nap time, methinks.



  2. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh? :-p

  3. Hello Catherine, I just read this after spotting a cryptic facebook update, and.. Congratulations!!!! Wow, I had no idea! And Hahahaaaaa for the penguins, that's absolutely brilliant! ;-) Whoever thought the likes of Carrot the Penguin could be put to such good and charitable uses?? ;-) Do please put some Facebook pictures up once the baby comes! Good luck and take care! Hester xx
