Thursday 14 January 2010

Cake, again

After a week or two of (vaguely) snow-related disruption, I'm back with a whole list of things to post over the next couple of weeks. There may even be some kind of organisation involved (ooo! organisation!) in the form of series of posts, but more on that later. For the time being, though, no big changes around here- just more of the same, or similar, in the form of cake.

The Smallest One was thirteen the other day, and so cake was in order. I considered making the now-somewhat-notorious Broken Glass Cake (no real glass involved, honest, I'm not really evil) but that would have required a trip outside in search of ingredients, and, well, I had other things to use up.

It turns out that, last week, I spoke too soon and there was another penguin waiting for me at home.

Well... at least I think it's a penguin. In any case, it was full of marshmallows.
Incidentally, the cookery book in the picture is Valentine Warner's What to Eat Now. My mother approves of him as "a bloke who eats", hence her possession of the cookbook. Having flicked through it, he reminds me somewhat of ze boy in his determination to eat anything with four legs.

The red plastic thing is the penguin's boater hat. Why yes, my marshmallow-filled penguin has a boater- how else is it meant to keep the sun off its face? Honestly, some people!

In any case, the opportunity to make cake with marshmallows could not be passed over.

Step 1: One chocolate cake. Photo demonstrates my ineptitude in the realms of both food photography and even slicing of cake into halves. Also, I hadn't tidied the kitchen table.
Bad Dobby.

Step 2: Marshmallow gunk. Very pink. Actually, most confectionary items can be made into a satisfactory gunk for cake filling by melting them in cream, in case you were wondering. I had to take this outside to get the full effect of the Barbie-pink-ness to register in the photograph.

"Hi, George? It's Tony. We seem to have found the Weapons of Mass Destruction...
No, wait, it's just really scary-coloured cake filling".

Step 3: Assembly, crème ganache and the rest of the marshmallows. I took the cake outside, where it made friends with an ornamental frog.

Cake with Frog. Sounds like a Heston Blumenthal recipe, n'est-ce pas?

Off back to the cupboard now, possibly with what remains of the cake.


  1. I dare you to make a no-added-sugar cake, just healthy natural sweetness from Mother Nature

  2. Challenge accepted. Will post results next week.
