Thursday 1 July 2010

Nutella Cakes, The Recipe

...Because I feel it's only right to share this one with the world.

As per usual, this is a Catherine-style recipe, i.e. relatively haphazard and fairly open to interpretation, but I'll try and be fairly precise!


3oz (75g) self raising flour (ou 75g de farine normale et un peu plus de levure chimique)

1oz (25g) ground hazelnuts (optional and fairly expensive, can be replaced by same quantity of flour)

2oz (50g) cocoa powder

3 eggs (medium? large? I don't think it actually matters)

6oz (150g) Marjoriiiiiiiiie! Erm, margarine, I mean, or butter

6oz (150g) sugar (white, brown, whatever). If you have treacle to hand, replace 1oz of the sugar with a tbsp of treacle. If not, don't worry about it.

3tsp baking powder, or 2tsp if you replaced the hazelnuts with flour

Stick all ingredients in a Great Big Bowl and whack the heck out of it with a wooden spoon (if you're feeling in need of exercise) or an electric whisk (if you're lazy like me).

This will fill about 12 small muffin cases, less big ones, more smaller ones (logique, quoi)

Medium ones will take about 20 mins at GM6, 180°, or whatever your oven thinks is the appropriate temperature for cooking cakes.

Wait for them to cool off a bit, then make the topping:

Put three tbsp of nutella in a bowl and then one in your mouth (this way round, please, the other way isn't particularly hygienic). Add 1 tbsp boiling water and 2 tbsp icing sugar. Mix well. Adjust quantities of icing sugar and/or water until it feels like thick icing. Spread on cakes.


There would be pictures, but my camera appears to have died. EIther that, or my 99p-for-four batteries weren't that much of a bargain. Come to think of it, it's probably the latter.


  1. Mais, tu mets 75g de farine et un peu de levure, pas 75g de farine et la même chose de levure, quand même ?

  2. c'est ça, en fait en angleterre on achète souvent la farine avec de la levure déjà ajouté (self raising flour), du coup si t'utilises de la farine normale, il faut mettre un peu plus de levure que les 3 c à c déjà prévus :-)
