Wednesday 30 June 2010

Overheard at Work, vol.1

Or, funny things non-anglophones say in the shop.

Incidentally, I love the word "anglophone". It doesn't really exist in English, but it gives me a rather entertaining mental image combining certain features of a saxophone with an anglepoise lamp. Just thought you should know.

1. "Ve are looking for ze weapons of Fitzwilhelm College".

Translation: We are looking for the arms (heraldic shield) of Fitzwilliam College.

2. "I would like a pair of Christ's handcuffs".

Translation: I would like a pair of Christ's College cufflinks.

3. "I would like fresh one please".

Translation: I'm going to make you run up and down three flights of stairs four times in 30° heat until I decide I actually prefer the first tshirt you brought me.

4. "Is it here we pick our stuff up for graduation?"

Translation: I just assumed someone else would have booked my graduation things for me. What do you mean, you don't have any left? Are you a gown hire shop or what?

More to come soon, I imagine. Oh, how I love tourists.


  1. c'est pas sympa de se moquer!

  2. mais si, mais si...en plus, c'est pas vraiment de la moquérie, c'est gentiment fait (j'en ai subi assez dans l'autre sens en tant qu'anglaise en France que je connais bien la différence entre vraie moquérie et taquinage!)

    Sérieusement, si on pouvait pas rigoler un peu au boulot, ce serait insupportable...
