Tuesday 9 February 2010

Just Quickly...

This week, I'm taking inspiration from some of the blogs I have links to in the sidebar.

For those of you who don't already read it and/or don't speak French, Plus Belle Ma Vie
does a weekly post on the keyword searches that take people to her blog, and there's been some really wacky stuff in there. Up until now, nothing too odd's come up in mine- just a lot of stuff about penguins, marshmallows and evil sprouts. Until now, that is- I've just found out that someone got here by searching for 'tree-climbing gnomes'. Oh God. There must be two of us out there. Hello, other me!

I've just tested it, and this site is the ninth result for 'tree-climbing gnomes' on Google. I'm going to make a concerted effort to put more tree-climbing gnomes in here from now on to see if I can make it to no. 1 search result. Watch this space (but not for too long, you'll hurt your eyes...)

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